Transaction Notes provides information on each of the trades your team has entered, including whether or not a trade was executed.
Description provides the status of each trade. If a trade was processed as entered, the Description column will say "Order Executed." If the trade was not processed, the Description column will contain an explanation. Descriptions for trades that did not go through include:
- Cannot Buy a Stock Below $3.00: You attempted to buy a stock or mutual fund that was trading for less than $3.00 per share. This is not allowed in the SMG.
- Exceeds max % for eq: Your state Coordinator has set a maximum % of equity you can have in any one security and the trade you entered exceeds this maximum-See Hot Tip at the bottom of this page for more information.
- NO connection to portfolio server: System was unavailable for trading. Try again later.
- Insufficient position in the security to enable this trade: You are trying to enter a transaction to sell or short cover more of a security than you currently hold in your portfolio.
- Order Canceled: You canceled the trade before the close of market, while it was still in Pending Orders. Note: this only applies to teams in end-of-day regions.
- Order Executed: A trade you entered was accepted.
- Order Rejected Limit Price Outside Range: You entered a limit price that was not met.
- Possible problem with order: You will get this message if a system error occurred during processing. If you get this message, check Account Holdings the day after you entered the trade to see if it has been processed. If not, re-enter the trade.
- Rejected - Invalid price: You entered an invalid limit price or the data feed has an invalid price.
- Rejected - Invalid quantity: You entered an invalid quantity for the number of shares.
- Rejected - Margin exceeded by: $x,xxx: You did not have enough money for the trade, even if you borrowed the maximum-the exact amount will be shown.
- Rejected - Security Not On File: You have entered a symbol for a security that is not in the database. Please check the ticker to be sure it was not entered incorrectly. Remember to check the list of securities that have been blocked from trading. There are a variety of reasons SMG teams cannot purchase certain securities.
- Rejected - Trading is no longer allowed for this security: You have entered a symbol for a security that is no longer trading. If you get this message and find the security is still trading, please have your advisor contact your state Coordinator.
- Symbol price is zero: You have either entered an incorrect ticker symbol or the system price data feed is not pricing the security. If the ticker symbol is correct, have your advisor notify your state Coordinator.
- ERROR QTY INV: You have entered an invalid quantity or characters such as decimals or commas. Please re-enter the trade using only whole numbers with no punctuation.
Hot Tip :
If you see the description of Trade exceeds maximum percent for equity, your Coordinator has set a percent of total equity you can have in one security to promote diversification. This rule applies only to opening trades (buy or short sell) and to additional trades of the same security. How to calculate: if the maximum percent is set at 30, no more than 30% of your total equity x 1.5 (to account for being able to buy on margin) can be spent on one security. No action is taken, however, if the value of a security in your portfolio increases to over this amount.
Hot Tip :
Prices on Yahoo and other public research sites are both delayed (usually 15 minutes or more) as well as a representation of what the exchanges are showing in the order book for that stock. In SMG, because we are a simulation (i.e. your trades are not actually being sent to the stock exchange), we aggregate pricing information and execute at the closest price within the range we have available at the time of trade.
For example, if you enter a trade for 100 shares of WMT right now and Yahoo is showing 117.34, that price is actually an aggregate of all the prices that stock brokers are making on the floor and over the counter in that moment in time. On the Yahoo screen, you will see there are also prices listed (that are different) called bid and ask that will tell you the range (high and low) within which stock brokers are willing to buy or sell this stock. SMG takes all the information and our system will process your trade at the closest price to what a real stock broker might give you in that exact moment in time.
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